Projects of the FRES research team

Lentokone 556
Photo: Olli-Pekka Pietiläinen

Ongoing projects

Analysing current and future damage costs of Nordic emissions of greenhouse gases, short-lived climate pollutants, and other air pollutants (N_SLCP)

Biodiversity as a rural resource (LUMOAVA)

Black and Brown Carbon in the Atmosphere and the Cryosphere (BBrCAC)


Past projects

Development of black carbon (BC) footprint-concept and climate impact metrics of BC emissions (BC-Footprint).

Nordic road dust research project. Development of emission modelling and optimization of abatement measures by improved emission modelling and scenario analyses. (NORDUST-2)

Developing tools for impact assessments of Cities’ climate action plans (KILTOVA-2) (Finnish only)

Dust nuisances from streets and roads: Monitoring, Management and evaluation of the effectiveness of road dust emission reduction measures (KATOA)

Arctic Black Carbon impacting Climate and Air Pollution (ABC-iCAP)​

Understanding the link between Air pollution and Distribution of related Health Impacts and Welfare in the Nordic countries (NordicWelfAir).

Air Pollution Damage Cost Model for Finland (IHKU).

Novel Assessment of Black Carbon in the Eurasian Arctic: From Historical Concentrations and Sources to Future Climate Impacts (NABCEA).

Assessing black carbon in the Arctic and significance compared to dust sources for their climate impacts (IBA-FIN-BCDUST).

Development of collective responses to reduce black carbon emissions in the Arctic and to reinforce international cooperation to protect the Arctic environment (EUA-BCA).

Road Dust Sources, Emission Reduction Measures and Air Quality Impacts- Research Project (KALPA-3

Examining the current state of street cleaning and maintenance practises in Finland, and to enhance the dissemination of best practices to municipalities and contractor (PÖLYBAT)

Environmental impact assessment of airborne particulate matter: the effects of abatement and management strategies (BATMAN)

GAINS and EMEP modelling in the Russian Federation: further developments at the regional level

Keeping the Arctic White: Regulatory Options for Reducing Short-Lived Climate Forcers in the Arctic (WHITE)


Published 2015-10-02 at 14:11, updated 2024-08-01 at 10:46