Dalia D'Amato-Pihlman

Senior research scientist

Adjunct professor, University of Helsinki

Contact information

tel. +358 295 251 081

Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Societal Change
Governing Transformation
Latokartanonkaari 11, FI-00790 Helsinki


Tasks & research interests

I am interested in societal and organisational sustainability transformations and their governance, and my work at Syke focuses on:

  • transformative change in the context of biodiversity and related sustainability issues
  • the science-policy interface supporting the EU Biodiversity strategy 2030
  • business impacts and dependencies on biodiversity and ecosystem services

In addition to working at Syke, I am affiliated with the University of Helsinki and the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science, and I serve as an editor for the journals Circular Economy and Sustainability and Canadian Journal of Forest Research.

Ongoing projects

Bio Knowledge Agora (BioAgora): Developing the Science Service for European Research and Biodiversity Policymaking

The Biodiversity Nexus (BioNext): transformative change for sustainability

Reinforce Science-Policy interfaces in innovative ways to boost effectiveness and INterconnectedness of biodiversity and climate policies (RESPIN)


Selected research articles

D'Amato, D., La Notte, A., Damiani, M., Sala, A. 2024. Biodiversity and ecosystem services in business sustainability. Towards systematic, value chain-wide monitoring that aligns with public accounting. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 1-15.

Valve, H., D'Amato, D., Hebinck, A., Lazurko, A., de Pater, M., Březovská, R.J., Saarikoski, H., Laspidou, C., Keune, H., Ziliaskopoulos, K. 2024. Transformative change from below? Linking biodiversity governance with the diversity of bottom-up action. SocArXiv e6vfx, Center for Open Science (Pre-print).

D’Amato, D., Korhonen-Kurki, K., Lyytikäinen, V., Matthies, B.D., Horcea-Milcu, A-I. 2022. Circular bioeconomy: Actors and dynamics of knowledge co-production in Finland. Forest Policy and Economics 144, 102820.

D'Amato, D., Korhonen, J. 2021. Integrating the green economy, circular economy and bioeconomy in a strategic sustainability framework. Ecological Economics 188, 107143.

Droste, N., D’Amato, D., Goddard, J. 2018. Where communities intermingle, diversity grows - The evolution of topics in ecosystem service research. PLOS One 13, e0204749.

Malkamäki, A., D’Amato, D., Hogarth, N.J., Kanninen, M., Pirard, R., Toppinen, Zhou, W. 2018. A systematic review of the socio-economic impacts of large-scale tree plantations, worldwide. Global Environmental Change 53, 90-103.

D’Amato, D., Droste, N., Allen, B., Kettunen, M., Lähtinen, K., Korhonen, J., Leskinen, P., Matthies, B.D. Toppinen, A. 2017. Green, circular, bio economy: A comparative analysis of sustainability avenues. Journal of Cleaner Production 168, 716-734.

Other selected publications

Morone, P., D'Amato, D., Befort, N., Gülşah, Y. 2023. The Circular Bioeconomy - Theories and Tools for Economists and Sustainability Scientists. Cambridge University Press. 

D'Amato, D., Toppinen, A., Kozak, R. 2022. The Role of Business in Global Sustainability Transformations. Routledge.

Kettunen, M., Vihervaara, P., Kinnunen, S., D'Amato, D., Badura, T., Argimon, N., ten Brink, P. 2012. Socio-economic importance of ecosystem services in the Nordic Countries – Synthesis in the context of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB). Nordic Council of Ministers.

Published 2023-03-08 at 15:53, updated 2024-09-27 at 14:34

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