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Performance analysis (WP2)
Content page | Published: 2019-03-15

The objective of WP2 is to develop a set of performance-based definitions for the existing DST and assess their performance according to a range of established criteria. The assessment will be compar...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS DESTONY > Performance analysis (WP2)
Proposals (WP3)
Content page | Published: 2019-03-15

The objective of WP3 is to make suggestions for the most needed decision support tools to be developed by future projects. This proposal will be based on a gap analysis between existing tools and pre...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS DESTONY > Proposals (WP3)
Sentinel mosaics in Finland in national reference grid (FPCUP SGA3 Tier1)
Project | Published: 2019-03-06

The project concentrates on raising awareness and helping the end-users of Sentinel satellite images and particularly Sentinel satellite image mosaics produced under Finnish Geospatial Platform progr...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Sentinel mosaics in Finland in national reference grid (FPCUP SGA3 Tier1)
Digitalizing water resource measurement and observation - VEMIDI
Project | Published: 2019-01-25

Backround Technological advances offer several new methods for environmental monitoring. The information produced with different methods is not uniform and requires advanced data and quality co...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Digitalizing water resource measurement and observation - VEMIDI
Developmental evaluation of the Finnish sustainable development policies and transformation pathways (POLKU2030, PATH2030)
Project | Published: 2018-12-21

The PATH2030 evaluation had two main aims: 1. To produce an independent and comprehensive view on sustainable development policy in Finland, especially regarding Finland's national policy, the n...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Developmental evaluation of the Finnish sustainable development policies and transformation pathways (POLKU2030, PATH2030)
BONUS FUMARI plans the future assessment and monitoring of the Baltic Sea
Content page | Published: 2018-12-04

19-–21 November 2018, Uppsala The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences organized the kick-off meeting of the BONUS FUMARI project in Uppsala. The aim of the project is to draft a proposal......

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS FUMARI > Events and Meetings > BONUS FUMARI plans the future assessment and monitoring of the Baltic Sea
Completing management options in the Baltic Sea Region to reduce risk of invasive species introduction by shipping - COMPLETE
Project | Published: 2018-11-21

    Shipping contributes to the uncontrolled introduction of invasive species to the Baltic Sea, whic...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Completing management options in the Baltic Sea Region to reduce risk of invasive species introduction by shipping - COMPLETE
Project | Published: 2018-12-04

NEW BONUS DESTONY Policy Brief 3/3 published:   New tools needed for plans of measures and for new topics pdf Final seminar of three BONUS Synthesi...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS DESTONY
Events and Meetings
Content page | Published: 2018-11-14

Past events: 16 June 2020  Online seminar: Baltic Sea Science Synthesized – Time to Take Evidence-based Actions for the Well-being of the Sea and People   Seminar presentations ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS DESTONY > Events and Meetings
Publications and Presentations
Content page | Published: 2018-11-14

Policy Briefs: Policy Brief No 1/3 from project BONUS DESTONY: How do virtual tools support the management of the Baltic Sea? (pdf) Policy Brief No 2/3 from Project BONUS DESTONY: Hig...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS DESTONY > Publications and Presentations
Events and Meetings
Content page | Published: 2018-12-04

Past events: 16 June 2020:  Online seminar: Baltic Sea Science Synthesized – Time to Take Evidence-based Actions for the Well-being of the Sea and People Upload seminar presentation...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS FUMARI > Events and Meetings
Publications and Presentations
Content page | Published: 2018-12-04

Policy briefs: Joint BONUS FUMARI and BONUS SEAM Policy Brief No 1/4: Identifying Gaps and Opportunities for Future Monitoring of the Baltic Sea.pdf Joint BONUS FUMARI and BONUS SEAM ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS FUMARI > Publications and Presentations
Events and meetings
Content page | Published: 2018-10-30

Past events 16 June 2020   Online seminar: Baltic Sea Science Synthesized – Time to Take Evidence-based Actions for the Well-being of the Sea and People Upload the seminar s...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS ROSEMARIE > Events and meetings
Project | Published: 2018-12-04

NEW:  Final seminar of three BONUS Synthesis Projects - BONUS FUMARI, BONUS DESTONY and BONUS ROSEMARIE - " Baltic Sea Science Synthesized – Time to Take Evidence-base...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS FUMARI
Publications and Presentations
Content page | Published: 2018-10-30

Articles: Joanna Storie, Monika Suškevičs, Mart Külvik, Virpi Lehtoranta, Suvi Vikström, Simo Riikonen, Harri Kuosa, Kristin Kuhn & Soile Oinonen: What evidence exists for the i...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS ROSEMARIE > Publications and Presentations
Synthesis 3: Valuation methods
Content page | Published: 2018-10-31

Monetary and non-monetary valuation of marine ecosystem services in the Baltic Sea region This systematic map identifies, collates and describes the evidence base on marine ecosystem service val...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS ROSEMARIE > Synthesis 3: Valuation methods
Synthesis 2: Human health and well-being
Content page | Published: 2018-10-31

Read more about the synthesis in this article: Joanna Storie, Monika Suškevičs, Mart Külvik, Virpi Lehtoranta, Suvi Vikström, Simo Riikonen, Harri Kuosa, Kristin Kuhn & Soile Oinonen: What ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS ROSEMARIE > Synthesis 2: Human health and well-being
Synthesis 1: Ecosystem services
Content page | Published: 2018-10-31

Ecosystem service research in the Baltic Sea region This systematic map identifies, collates and describes the evidence base on ecosystem service research and application in the Baltic Sea in pe...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS ROSEMARIE > Synthesis 1: Ecosystem services
Project | Published: 2018-12-04

Project BONUS ROSEMARIE is summarized in the video above. NEW: BONUS ROSEMARIE Policy Briefs published BONUS ROSEMARIE science-policy brief 1 Scienti...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > BONUS ROSEMARIE
Eating and Energy Use Reconfigured (EE-TRANS)
Project | Published: 2018-10-16

See updated pages for the project here: Growing concerns for climate change call for radical systemic changes in society in terms of both ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Eating and Energy Use Reconfigured (EE-TRANS)

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