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Big data offers new possibilities for producing environmental information
News | Published: 2018-05-09

Big data is opening up new channels for the production and utilisation of environmental information. It also offers environmental officials new possibilities to work together with citizens, business a......

Same content on several places:
Current > Big data offers new possibilities for producing environmental information
Current > News > Big data offers new possibilities for producing environmental information
Open data policy
Content page | Published: 2020-07-14

Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) research data guidelines promote openness and impact, and conform with the changing requirements by the society and funders. The guidelines cover the areas of pro...

Research & development > Open data policy
Business - examples of collaboration
Content page | Published: 2018-01-17

Creating sustainable smartphones © Unsplash Smartphones and mobile communications technology have great potential to drive sustainable development forward through the use of sma......

Services > Business - examples of collaboration
Research partners - examples of collaboration
Content page | Published: 2018-01-17

New genetics methods to imp rove the monitoring of water conditions © Petri Jauhiainen Modern DNA techniques provide a quick, reliable and cost-effective way of identifying the ......

Services > Research partners - examples of collaboration
Cities and local authorities - examples of collaboration
Content page | Published: 2018-01-16

Nature-based solutions introduced by local authorities in Europe © Panoramio Knowledge of ecosystem services provided by nature and their linkage to human well-being has increas......

Services > Cities and local authorities - examples of collaboration
Citizens and NGO's - examples of collaboration
Content page | Published: 2018-01-16

Citizens as the producers of environmental information © SYKEKUVA Citizens can actively contribute to the production of environmental information by collecting, analysing and us......

Services > Citizens and NGO's - examples of collaboration
International and EU partners - examples of collaboration
Content page | Published: 2018-01-16

Chile enhances the quality of environmental monitoring © ERC-Chile In Chile, confidence in environmental information has been undermined by inadequate quality assurance of envir......

Services > International and EU partners - examples of collaboration
Politicians and ministries- examples of collaboration
Content page | Published: 2018-01-15

Leveraging the energy transition © Unsplash Efforts to combat climate change are shaking up the energy sector to its very core. As part of these efforts, SYKE and its partners h......

Services > Politicians and ministries- examples of collaboration
Governing Digital Commons (GODICO): Governance Frameworks for the Opening and Sharing of Natural Resource Knowledge
Project | Published: 2021-08-26

  This interdisciplinary study targets the need for new legitimate and effective policy models to support the opening of natural resource data and digitalization linked to innovation...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Governing Digital Commons (GODICO): Governance Frameworks for the Opening and Sharing of Natural Resource Knowledge
Provinces - examples of collaboration
Content page | Published: 2017-10-26

Machine vision against invasive alien species © Jari Silander Machine vision is used to identify and map invasive alien plant species by utilising a method developed by SYKE and......

Services > Provinces - examples of collaboration
Significant blue-green algae blooms possible in Finnish marine areas during 2017 summer
Press release | Published: 2017-06-01

The risk for vast blue-green algae blooms in the Gulf of Finland is greater than during previous years. The exceptional nutritional conditions are caused partially by major Baltic inflows from the Nor......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > Risk prediction for cyanobacterial blooms > Significant blue-green algae blooms possible in Finnish marine areas during 2017 summer
Current > Press releases > Significant blue-green algae blooms possible in Finnish marine areas during 2017 summer
Current > Significant blue-green algae blooms possible in Finnish marine areas during 2017 summer
Research & development > Water > Significant blue-green algae blooms possible in Finnish marine areas during 2017 summer
Considerable risk of blue-green algal blooms in some of Finland's sea areas in the summer of 2016
Press release | Published: 2016-06-02

According to the estimate of the Finnish Environment Institute’s Marine Research Centre, this year the risk of blue-green algal blooms is considerable in a large part of the Gulf of Finland, the Finni......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > Risk prediction for cyanobacterial blooms > Considerable risk of blue-green algal blooms in some of Finland's sea areas in the summer of 2016
Current > Press releases > Considerable risk of blue-green algal blooms in some of Finland's sea areas in the summer of 2016
Research & development > Water > Considerable risk of blue-green algal blooms in some of Finland's sea areas in the summer of 2016
Open information
Content page | Published: 2016-11-03

Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) produces open data and information for an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable society. Syke’s open data includes versatile information on water re...

Open information
Satellite observations
Content page | Published: 2016-02-02

Products based on satellite observations are produced in the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) in order to monitor environmental changes. These datasets include: surface temperature, algal blooms,...

Open information > Satellite observations

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