Development of Tajik surface Water Monitoring by Quality Management and Collaboration - TJK Water Quality II

The draft National Water Strategy highlights several pressing challenges that need to be taken into account when developing water sector in Tajikistan. In the field of water quality monitoring the main challenges relate, among others, to the insufficient quality and reliability of produced data. In meeting the need for higher-quality data the laboratories have a crucial role. The quality management processes initiated during the previous Tajik Water quality project need to be both deepened and widened in order to enhance the quality of the monitoring results. In addition, the water quality monitoring networks require attention, as they are generally poorly equipped.

TJK-Water II
Nurek reservoir, Vaksh River © Nazokat Isaeva

The Committee of Environmental Protection (CEP) under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan is the central executive authority of the Republic of Tajikistan on environmental protection and the core ICI partner in this project. The two key beneficiary laboratories, the Analytical Laboratory which is the Centre for Analytical Control of the CEP, and the Surface Water Laboratory of the State Agency for Hydrometeorology are part of the governance structure of the CEP.

Expected results:

OUTPUT 1. Beneficiary organisations produce and distribute more reliable surface water monitoring data on selected parameters according to ISO 17025

OUTPUT 2. Beneficiary organizations apply new management practices and collaborate actively between each other

OUTPUT 3. Beneficiary organizations provide more comprehensive surface water quality data input and access to the data for end-users and other core stakeholders

OUTPUT 4. Beneficiary organizations provide as well as facilitate understanding of improved surface water quality information and its significance to stakeholders and general public

sampling in Dushanbe 2018
Water sampling in Dushanbe. © Katarina Björklöf
Visit to University 2023
Visit to Department of Chemistry at the University of Tajikistan. © Olga Kovru
Spectrophotometer training at CAC
Spectrophotometer training at CAC.  © Katarina Björklöf



  • Project brochure in English (pdf, 2158 KB)
  • Project brochure in Russian (pdf, 2227 KB)
  • Communication issues are an important aspect in this project. During the first expert mission in June 2022 activities were planned with Mr Yakobov, the communication expert of Dushanbe Aarhus- center. The collaboration was recognized on their webpages.
Published 2022-02-08 at 9:47, updated 2024-06-04 at 9:37

Target group: