Research infrastructure

The research infrastructure unit is responsible for the maintenance, development and services of Syke's research infrastructures, with the exception of digital infrastructures. The infrastructures at the unit's responsibility include laboratories, field equipment, and the research vessel Aranda. The unit is also responsible for the national comparison laboratory in the environmental sector, certification of environmental sample takers, and contract laboratory activity in metrology.  The research infrastructure unit enables research and expert work at all units and closely cooperates especially with the quality of information unit, the digital services unit and the marine and freshwater solutions unit. 

The following groups are under the Research infrastructure unit: 

Development manager of research infrastructures

More information

Tero Eklin
director of research infrastructures


The duties of the groups under the Research infrastructures unit 

Marine ecology measurements group 

  • manages the maintenance and development work of the marine research laboratory's experimental infrastructure, and enables experimental plankton research,  
  • manages the analytics of phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthic animals,  
  • maintains and develops accredited (T003) analytics,  
  • develops automatic marine research methods in projects,  
  • manages the development and maintenance of FINMARI's data streams and the development of the Utö marine research station with regard to Syke,  
  • maintains and develops the Alg@line monitoring system installed on ships and usability of the material it produces,  
  • takes part in international marine research infrastructure projects.  

Aranda group 

  • manages planning and monitoring of research vessel Aranda's finances, planning of its annual programme and implementation of trips, agreements, procurements and maintenance of the quality system,  
  • manages Aranda's vessel technology and maintenance and development of the research equipment,  
  • manages maintenance and acquisition of partnerships and client relationships as well as international cooperation between research vessels,  
  • manages the maintenance and development of coastal monitoring.  

Marine analytics group 

  • coordinates the operation of the marine research laboratory and Aranda's laboratory, 
  • maintains and develops operation of the marine research laboratory and Aranda's laboratory and accredited quality (T003), with a focus on marine analytics,  
  • produces and develops chemical and biological analytics of marine areas for the Baltic Sea monitoring programme and research activity, and assists with the research activity.  

Metrology group 

  • produces and develops accredited (T003) inorganic chemistry analytics, and maintains and develops the calibration laboratory (K054, ENVICAL contract laboratory),  
  • studies and develops new monitoring and research methods related to metrology, comparison samples and traceability of the information produced,  
  • provides technical services and solutions for the needs of research,  
  • takes part in research supporting the development of infrastructure, export projects, and provision and development of the comparison laboratory's services,  
  • supports administration with questions related to monitoring.  

The group has one team: Oulu Analytical services.  

Oulu Analytical services team  

  • provides and develops chemical and biological analysis services (including T003) for internal and external clients from different environmental samples,  
  • contributes to the provision of the comparison laboratory's services,  
  • maintains and develops the laboratory infrastructure in Oulu, participates in research that develops the infrastructure, and supports administration with questions related to monitoring in its own area of responsibility.  

Environmental impacts group 

  • produces and develops accredited (T003) organic chemistry analytics and testing activity in ecotoxicology,  
  • takes part in research supporting the development of infrastructure, export projects, provision and development of the comparison laboratory's services, and supports administration with questions related to monitoring,  
  • supports the authorities and entrepreneurs with monitoring and observation of the state of the environment,  
  • studies ecotoxicology of hazardous substances, develops methods relating to this and assesses the environmental impacts of material flows related to environmental technologies,  
  • develops and maintains the accredited system of sample takers (S022).  

The group has one team: Viikki Analytical services.  

Viikki Analytical services team  

  • provides ecotoxicological analysis services in organic chemistry, microplastics and the soil for internal and external clients,  
  • manages customer service at the Viikki office, incl. receipt of samples and reporting of results.  

Interlaboratory comparisons group 

  • develops and maintains the accredited (PT01) proficiency test and interlaboratory comparison activity,  
  • supports authorities with assessment of the comparability of the information produced, manages development of Syke's services in the comparison laboratory activity and utilization of comparison laboratory competence in international development projects,  
  • manages the organisation and maintenance of methods standardization in the environmental field in cooperation with SFS in Finland.  


Published 2023-01-02 at 8:23, updated 2023-11-03 at 13:11

Target group: